Olivia's Birth Story
I want to start by saying, “we are the only species that, when delivering our babies ask for the help of others. Our bodies are made to give birth and our bodies and unborn babies know what they have to do to get into this world.” I had heard these words during my maternity class and ever since I was determined to find the most natural independent way to deliver our baby. When my husband and I found out we were pregnant I immediately searched for a birth center and lucky for us Birth Center of Baton Rouge happened to be less than 10 minutes from our house. After we took a tour and met with the staff, it was a no brainer that we would welcome our sweet little girl into our arms at BCBR. Throughout our pregnancy, we felt tremendous love and support and both Dana and Sherri made sure that my husband, baby and I would always be first priority. This was important to me since my husband felt 100% included in everything. His concerns were addressed and questions were answered. It was our first baby and of course I wanted him, as well as myself, to have the pregnancy and birth we’ve always envisioned.
Fast forward to week 38 of our pregnancy on Saturday May 30th 2015, I went into labor at 3:30am. I remembered our midwives telling us to remain calm and conserve energy as well as to stay at home as long as we can unless we are sure it’s time. So we did all the comfort measures we learned to ease the discomfort I felt with each intensifying contraction. Finally, at 6:05am my husband called Dana and I guess she heard me in the background (screaming of course) and told us to meet her at the birth center. When she checked my cervix I was 9cm dilated. This was at 6:30am. She then felt the position of the baby and of course our little girl didn’t seem too ready to leave momma’s womb as she was posterior. This meant I had to wait patiently for her to change her position to one that was more birth ready. During this process, both Dana and Sherri were there tending to both of our needs. At no time did we feel pressured or neglected and the entire atmosphere was all we intended it to be. When it was time for my body to push, I was instructed to listen to my body. I trusted what my body was telling me to do and at 7:37am we welcomed our 7.5lbs, 21 inch baby girl Amelia. It was the most beautiful experience I’ve ever encountered. I can definitely say that this experience has taught me to trust my body more than ever before and believe in all its capabilities. Not once did our midwives tell me I can’t or couldn’t do it the way I wanted it to be done. They trusted my baby and me to do what we were supposed to do and never have I felt as strong and capable as a woman. I’ll be forever grateful to my BCBR family for giving us the birth we’ve always wanted and then some.